Putnam Wines

I started in the wine business working in retail liquor stores, most notably for Byron’s Liquor Warehouse.  During my time at Byron’s, like most in the industry, I began as a “warm body” working in the wine department. It did not take long for my knowledge and passion for wine to flourish, as did my responsibilities. I was soon promoted to Wine Buyer and later Wine Manager, holding the position for three years.

As in many businesses, my love for wine transported me to another side of the business: wine distribution.  

I began work with Hirst Imports as a Sales Representative in Tulsa, OK.  Similar to my experiences with Byron’s I became the Wine Buyer and eventually Wine Manager. Being the leading wine broker in Oklahoma, Hirst represented a who’s who portfolio of California wineries. During this time I learned the wine business extensively, including working trips to Napa, Sonoma and other parts of California, Oregon and even all the major wine-growing regions of France. 

Having been in this business for more than two decades, my philosophy is the same now as it was when I was first attracted to this business: "Seek out interesting wineries with compelling wines." It's really that simple.

Putnam Wines
Putnam Wines